
Sanoviv: Holistic Health and Medical Center
By Martina

Sanoviv: Holistic Health and Medical Center

By Martina

Sanoviv Hospital Baja

Picture yourself in a dream. All around you is beauty and a sense of deep peace permeating the dreamscape. Every aspect of your life is being supported: emotional, mental and physical. You find you have nothing to worry about, all is being taken care of. Startled, you wake up and discover this dream you are dreaming is actually a reality, just across the border in Baja California. Sanoviv, a holistic medical and healing center, is more than your dream revealed. Whether for a weekend rejuvenation or seeking medical treatment, it starts with having a sense of being sheltered and safe. Walking into the front entrance the expanse of glistening marble floors are breathtaking and the light off the Pacific glows through windows as if a radiant angelic convention is taking place. Sergio Soltelo, Admissions Coordinator, will be your guide. “Sanoviv is a fully-licensed hospital that offers a unique blend of conventional, alternative and integrative programs.”

Sergio, with a hint of admiration, points to the large oil painting of the founder of Sanoviv, Dr. Myron Wentz. Dr. Wentz who, due to life circumstances, became a bio-chemist in the research of what creates a healthy human cell. He wrote, “I became convinced that the single most effective thing we could do to prevent and even reverse degenerative disease was to give our bodies’ proper nutrition.” Sergio is well versed in holistic health and said he found himself in the “right place as the right time” to join the extensive team of certified professionals. At Sanoviv they practice what is called Functional Medicine, meaning all the medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists, massage therapists and fitness experts work with a collective mission focused on each individual’s unique set of circumstances. Sergio leads us down the exquisite hallway deeper into what he calls “the mansion.” Sergio Sanoviv Hospital BajaIt was at one time a lovely home on the ocean’s bluff and the original owners took advantage of the expansive view from all the rooms. Quiet study and Yoga takes place here. A den and library with rich dark woods and deep leather chairs offers internet. However, in most cases people are asked to leave all their electronics behind, as reducing stress is one of the most important components in healthy cell function. Alternative Medicine Magazine says, “Sanoviv combines cutting-edge diagnostics, nutrition, detoxification and medical treatments in a luxurious setting, making it a model and healing center for the 21st century.”

The spacious kitchen gleams with white appliances. It is spotless like everything that is seen here. Looking out into an informal dining area, the afternoon sunshine fills the room with warmth. A class on nutrition is finishing up a meeting. Everyone is dressed in the clothing furnished by Sanoviv, soft natural cotton pants and jackets. Sergio emphases that whether you are coming for a weekend retreat to relax and nurture yourself, or are coming as a medical patient, everyone is given everything they need. Here, Sergio gives in-depth examples of wholesome eating. It is unique for each person. An organic garden is part of Sanoviv’s lush grounds. Programs on weight issues are very comprehensive. Sanoviv does not just focus on the excess weight, the team focuses on “whole health” and includes many factors. Sanoviv Mansion Baja They know why diets fail. They know “it is not all about will power or cutting down on calories.” Genetics and environment, as well as emotional, mental, and physical factors all contribute to Dr. Wentz’s idea of healthy cells. Even dental health is an important factor. A plush auditorium with subdued lighting, serves as a classroom for in depth study. The idea is logical; what we eat, swallow, breathe in combination with our emotional states influences the flow of nutrients through the cells. Toxins flow out, if not obstructed. It is this balance of cell culture where the work begins.

From here, Sergio guides visitors outside to enjoy the immaculately groomed lawns, graceful walkways around the swimming and exercise pools. Dr. Wentz paid attention to every detail; even these pools have natural seawater piped in through a filtration system. The body is bathed not in the typical chlorines and toxic cleansers, but nature’s pure sea salts. All of Sanoviv’s toiletries and lotions are made with this in mind and are part of the many things given to the client upon admission. Above the pools emerges the massive residence and hospital. Again, the same open hallways with polished marble floors and walls set off the immense original oil paintings, creating a gallery of fine art. The tour continues by elevator to the upper floors of the residents’ rooms and hospital. The décor is done in soft muted sandstone colors and lovely natural cotton bedding. Wall to wall windows open out into the breathtaking ocean view, swaying palms and turquoise pools below. Everything glows with care and attention. The bathrooms have the same polished marble walls and floors with gleaming fixtures. Included is a guest room if one would like to have a family member close by. It feels as if you have been transported to the finest resort hotel.

Sanoviv Pools BajaThere is one floor for more serious medical issues. The rooms are similar; however, a hospital bed is substituted. If you have ever had a hospital experience, you will immediately see how this natural environment, fresh ocean breeze and beautiful spacious room is an important component of healing mind and body. Doctor Wentz states, “The combination of environment, genetics and lifestyle can be the perfect recipe for chronic disease. When these are out of balance, oxidative stress can diminish our ability to maintain health and vibrancy.” Sanoviv has an innovative protocol for treating cancer with hyperthermia, which is not found in the United States. “The metabolism of tumor cells is different than that of healthy cells. This makes them a target for regional hyperthermia. This therapy is used in combination with other modalities such as high dose vitamin C, amygdalin, hyperbaric oxygen and orthomolecular medicine.”

As the tour comes to an end, you may feel swept up into how truly important the holistic ideal is. If this would be the way of life from childhood, you know for certain the world could change rapidly. Knowing all the factors of health, which includes being cared for as a unique individual, the body will respond, bringing balance to all areas; physically, emotionally and mentally. The hospital of the future is here, no longer a dream. In Baja California Sanoviv offers this “…beautiful, immaculate non-stressful environment that honors the relationship between the mind and body in achieving health.”

Sanoviv Logo

Call Sergio for a guided tour at:
U.S. 800 726 6848 or MX 661-614-9200, mention Baja Bound
KM 39, free road south of Rosarito Beach

Martina's email: mteomaya(at)gmail.com

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